The 411 Food Fair

Estell Ware and her grandchildren shopped with Cynthia Epps at Annie Mae's Pound Cakes

Food and more at Edgewater Health's Healthy Harvest Farmers Market

Contributed By:The 411 News

Convenient meet-up places for buyers, sellers and services

Edgewater Health turned the parking lot at its downtown headquarters into a "Healthy Harvest Farmers Market” Thursday with tables of fresh produce from Bob's Backyard Garden and Grounded Earth Farms.

There were homemade goods from Nana's Tidbits and Annie Mae's Pound Cakes. Candles, scents, and soaps were on sale from Victoria's Handcrafted Soaps.

Farmers markets have grown in popularity in Gary, a city that has lost businesses big and small, including its neighborhood grocery stores.

Edgewater partnered with Lake County Eats Local which hosts farmers markets and markets-on-the-go from June to October in Gary and East Chicago. LCEL farmers markets connect farmers from northwest Indiana with customers in city neighborhoods without reliable and convenient fresh produce sources.

Food stamp recipients can use their benefits to purchase fresh produce at farmers markets.

Small businesses have to start somewhere and farmers markets are good places for startups and home-based businesses to showcase their products and services at a low cost.

Thursday's market was ideal for new business owner Davida Johnson, selling her poetry books.

Northwest Indiana Community Action had a table at the market, well aware it was a good place to let the public know about its support services and programs.

Larry Brewer, a board member at Edgewater said the downtown location was working out well for Thursday's farmers market because it was drawing visitors from the nearby Gary Public Safety Facility, Gary Health Dept. and Community HealthNet Health Center.

“The presence of a farmers market gives our clients at Edgewater Health access to fresh fruits and vegetables right in their neighborhood. By providing healthier food options at affordable prices, it addresses the food insecurity for many families living in low-income communities,” stated Dr. Danita Hughes, President, and CEO of Edgewater Health. “It also allows our staff to enlighten the community about our Primary Care & Behavioral Health Services at Edgewater Health.”

Edgewater staff offered free blood pressure screenings and COVID-19 tests to market visitors.

LaTanya Woodson, Director of Community Education said this was Edgewater's 2nd farmers market of the year and they will host more in 2022.

Davida Johnson (l-r), Edgewater Medical Assistant Supervisor Sabrina Brown, Edgewater Community Outreach Coordinator Sandra Campos, and LaTanya Woodson.

Story Posted:10/04/2021

» The 411 Food Fair

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