Arts & Entertainment

Rehearsal scene from "Two Trains Running"

West Side Theatre Guild presents August Wilson's "Two Trains Running"

Contributed By: The 411 News

Pickup free tickets at West Side Leadership Academy, YWCA, and Urban League

Memphis Lee’s restaurant in Pittsburgh’s Hill District is the setting for August Wilson’s “Two Trains Running,” the seventh in his ten-part series The Pittsburgh Cycle and coming to Gary’s West Side Theatre in April.

The time is 1969 and the city’s urban renewal planners have targeted Lee’s diner and neighboring buildings for demolition. The diner is a popular gathering spot in this African-American neighborhood undergoing change.

While Lee fights to be paid a fair price for his property, his employees and regular customers have their stories to tell. They are an elder who imparts wisdom, an ex-con, a numbers runner, a resident intellectual, a laconic waitress and a persistent man seeking his due.

“The production promises to be a celebration of community, culture, and the enduring relevance of Wilson's work,” said director Mark Spencer.

Cast members are Darryl Crockett as Memphis, Vincent White as Wolf, Altovise Ferguson as Risa, Ben Clement as Holloway, Dannon Everett as Sterling, Robert L. Buggs as Hambone and Larry Brewer as West.

Performances of “Two Trains Running” will take place at West Side Theatre, 900 Gerry Street, at 7pm Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20.

Tickets are FREE to the public. Tickets are available at the Gary YWCA, Urban League of Northwest Indiana and West Side Leadership Academy. Get tickets at the school office during the hours of 9am to 11am and 1pm to 2pm daily.

”Two Trains Running” set is designed by Kathy Arfkin, Indiana University Northwest Associate Professor. Mark Spencer, Director of Fine Arts, Gary Community School Corporation is producer and director.

Story Posted:04/03/2024

» Arts and Entertainment

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