Gary Police 2024 Public Safety Report
Gary Police Department reports significant drop in violent crime in 2024
Contributed By: The 411 News
Report shows lowest number of homicides since 2018, results of proactive policing
The Gary Police Department has released its 2024 Public Safety Report, detailing a significant year in crime reduction. The report highlights notable decreases in violent crime, fatal traffic accidents, and increases in proactive patrols compared to previous years.
In 2024, the Gary Police Department progressed in its mission to reduce crime and enhance public safety across the city. Non-fatal shootings dropped to 132 incidents, reflecting a 10% decrease compared to the previous year's 147 incidents. Homicides also saw a decline, falling from 52 in 2023 by 23% to a total of 40 cases —the lowest number recorded since 2018. The department’s homicide closure rate reached 74% surpassing the national average of 57.8%.
“Safety is my top priority,” stated Mayor Melton. “I’m deeply proud of the men and women of the Gary Police Department who work tirelessly every day to protect and serve our community. In 2024, we were focused on creating a culture of accountability and transparency within the Gary Police Department.”
Mayor Melton added, “I thank Chief Derrick Cannon for his leadership in driving significant improvements in operations and safety. This year we will focus on strengthening relationships in our community through programming aimed at crime prevention and intervention. I am confident that Gary Police Department will continue to make our city a safer place for all residents."
Proactive policing played a critical role in the department's achievements. Extra patrols and premise checks more than doubled from 4,507 in 2023 to 9,809, marking a 118% rise as the department prioritized crime prevention and community engagement. Reports of shots fired decreased by 17%, with 1,368 incidents recorded versus 1,644 incidents recorded in 2023.
“I’m pleased with the progress made by the Gary Police Department in 2024. Through more proactive policing, we’ve taken a strong stance on crime prevention,” stated Chief Cannon. “The improvements we've made are a direct result of our commitment to staying ahead of criminal activity and building relationships with community partners who can help solve more cases."
The Gary Police Department's traffic enforcement efforts yielded significant results in 2024. Citations issued increased by 148%, totaling 9,679 versus 3,903 in 2023, while tows and impounds increased by 18%, with 3,081 vehicles removed from city streets versus 2,608 in 2023. Non-fatal accidents declined slightly by 3%, dropping from 3,303 to 3,196 and fatal accidents saw a dramatic reduction of 39%, dropping to 11 cases versus 18 cases in 2023.
The department made significant progress in combating general and narcotics-related crimes. A total of 163 defendants were charged in connection with general crimes, resulting in 506 felony charges and 87misdemeanor charges—a combined total of 593 charges filed.
In narcotics enforcement, 86 arrests were made, with 52 defendants formally charged, leading to the filing of112 felony charges and 40 misdemeanor charges aimed at disrupting illegal drug activity within the city.
Additionally, the SWAT team conducted 55 operations throughout the year, leading to the detention of 72 individuals and the confiscation of 37 firearms. This represents a 38% increase in operations compared to 40in 2023, an 11% decrease in detainees compared to 81 in 2023, and a 9% increase in guns seized compared to 34 in 2023.
"On behalf of the Gary Police Department, I want to thank our Gary residents for their support in 2024,” said Chief Cannon. "Keeping our streets safe is a community effort, and we have been able to do more this year thanks to information and tips shared by citizens who care deeply for their community. In 2025, we will continue to focus on recruiting, retention, and investments in equipment and training for our officers. We look forward to working together with the community to build a safer Gary.”
Gary Police Department 2024 Public Safety Report
Story Posted:01/12/2025