Cunningham family of Gary gets a new Habitat for Humanity home
Cunningham family gets new Habitat for Humanity home
Contributed By:The 411 News
Habitat's 105th service to families in Lake County
Through generous donor partnerships and faithful volunteers, Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana welcomed another family home at their dedication on Adams Street in Gary. LaRutha Cunningham opened the door to her new home and a new life of stability, strength and self-reliance through shelter.
An emotional Cunningham, surrounded by her four daughters, expressed her gratitude to God and the many volunteers and donors that made home ownership a reality for her. Family, friends and Habitat for Humanity Board of Director members attended this celebration, which included a prayer blessing of the new home.
Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Dawn Michaels detailed the struggles that Cunningham faced while living in high-rental properties with subpar living conditions and the effect it had on her family.
The most important thing for LaRutha was to give her family stability and provide a sense of peace that her children had a roof over their head and no one could blindside her to remove that roof,” Michaels stated. Michaels also stated that Cunningham worked alongside volunteers to help complete the three-bedroom, one bathroom home, providing her with a sense of accomplishment and ownership.
“Habitat for Humanity truly provides a hand up, and not a hand out, to working families in need of decent, affordable housing,” stated Michaels. It is Habitat’s 105th service to families in Lake County.
Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana builds and sells affordable homes in partnership with Lake County families. Homes are built using donated funds and volunteer labor. Partner families are required to donate 300 sweat equity hours, attend homeownership and financial training classes, and abide by post-closing covenants in the NWI Habitat mortgage agreement.
Surrounded by her four daughters and Pastor Royce Thompson of New Friendship Baptist Church, LaRutha Cunningham proudly holds her Bible on the porch of her new Habitat for Humanity Home
Story Posted:05/01/2018