State Senator Mark Spencer's bill requires a car owner to notify BMV when the color of a car changes

State Senator Mark Spencer gets first bill approved

Contributed By: The 411 News

Requires a car owner to notify BMV when the color of a car changes if painted or wrapped

Gary’s freshman state senator Mark Spencer announced his first piece of legislation has received bi-partisan support from his colleagues.

Senate Bill 331, authored by Spencer, passed the Senate and was referred to the Indiana House on Wednesday, February 19.

The bill requires that if a person changes the exterior color or appearance of their vehicle from the color listed in the vehicle's registration, the person must amend their vehicle registration. The bill applies to owners of passenger vehicles who change the color of the vehicle with paint or vinyl wrap.

Failure to notify the BMV concerning a color change from paint application or application or removal of a vinyl vehicle wrap is punishable as a Class C infraction. The maximum judgment for a Class C infraction is $500.

Story Posted:02/21/2025

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