President Donald Trump

The new normal – throw the bums out

Contributed By:The 411 News

Impeaching our U.S. Presidents every 20 years or so

Pastor Robert Jeffress forecasts a Civil War if the Democrats try to remove President Trump. Evangelist Jim Bakker says there will be riots in the streets.

Maybe they're right.

But what we do know there will be an industry of anti-Trump messages. They've started already. At the World Series there were calls of "lock him up." Over the weekend at the Ultimate Fighting Championship in his hometown of New York City, he was booed. In 2020, it will be an impeachment year and an election year.

America loves to burn its idols.

Curtailing presidential powers through impeachment is a clause in the U.S. Constitution, written in 1787 but not ratified by all the states until 1789. Almost 100 years passed until its use in 1868, when President Andrew Johnson became the first.

President Nixon skipped out on his in 1974 and resigned. The House of Representatives could’t write the articles of impeachment fast enough.

President Clinton's was in 1998. Now, 21 years later comes Donald Trump’s.

Early this year, House Speaker and majority leader Nancy Pelosi said, “Trump isn’t worth impeaching, he’ll do it his self.”

What seemed like a frivolous remark has come true. The passage of a resolution this week by the House to start a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump grew out of a whistleblower complaint from a member of his White House staff. The vote was 232 in favor and 196 against. The House has a Democratic majority; two Democrats voted no. All of the Republicans voted no.

Nixon resigned before the House could begin its impeachment inquiry into his part in the cover-up of the burglary of the Democratic National Party headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Wash., D.C.

This is not like Clinton's impeachment, in which he was charged for lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky at the White House.

President Trump has a cast of characters, like in the Nixon investigation. Now his lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been added. Others could be implicated. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in on the call when the president spoke by phone to Ukraine President Zelensky on July 25th asking for a favor.

Nixon’s re-election campaign put him in the hot seat and now Trump has his own re-election scandal. Among his top priorities upon taking office in 2017, the President created a commission to find how many of those 3 million voters in 2016 who gave Hillary Clinton the edge in popular votes came from voter fraud. The commission disbanded without any answers.

Ironic for the man who championed fair elections, the House has begun investigations into whether he used unfair election practices against an opponent.

The favor President Trump wanted on that phone call with President Zelensky, according to the whistleblower, was for the Ukranians to investigate Joe Biden, one of Trump’s Democratic opponents and Biden's son, Hunter. The younger Biden served on the board of a Ukranian gas company.

The whistleblower complaint said President Trump was asking for foreign interference into U.S. elections.

Impeachment is a big leap for House Democrats. Although they can vote to impeach, the Senate will decide whether the charges should remove the president from office. In Clinton’s and Johnson’s Senate trials, the senators did not approve the charges by a two-thirds majority.

House Democrats say the U.S. Constitution requires Congress to oversee the president. "We did not come here to impeach the president" has become one of their main talking points.

Former news journalist Tom Brokaw told NBC's Today Show that Trump's impeachment is "playing out like a television game show" and "didn't have the seriousness" of the Nixon investigations that he covered in the 1970s.

Only time will tell whether Trump’s impeachment will fit the mold of his predecessors.

Will he have, like Nixon, a “smoking gun?” President Nixon was heard on tape asking the FBI to stop the investigation of the Watergate Hotel burglary. Nixon’s re-election committee had ordered the break-in.

Will Trump have Nixon’s “deep throat?” That was the only label Washington Post reporters could give the person who fed them information on Nixon’s re-election committee. John Mitchell, the head of the committee spent 19 months in jail.

Will there be any DNA evidence, like in President Clinton’s impeachment? When tested for DNA, a stain on Lewinsky’s dress matched Clinton’s semen.

Story Posted:11/04/2019


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