Louis Vasquez

Lake County Sheriff Department arrests one of its own

Contributed By:The 411 News

Officer accused of operating illegal vehicle identification inspections

A 14-year veteran of the Lake County Sheriff Department faces 4 criminal felony charges, Lake County Sheriff Oscar Martinez announced Tuesday.

The charges against Officer Louis Vasquez stem from a 3-month investigation by the Indiana State Police of Vasquez, requested by Sheriff Martinez. According to the indictment, Vasquez is charged with accepting cash for completing at least forty-two salvage vehicle forms for Fast Import Cars, LLC of Knox, IN.

Pavel Rohatinovici and Andrii Lakymenko, owners of Fast Import Cars, LLC of Knox have also been charged. Rohatinovici and Lakymenko were not in custody at the time of Tuesday’s announcement. Fast Import Cars operates auto sales & repair operations in Hammond and Gary.

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles considers a vehicle a salvage car if it was built in the last 7 model years and it has been damaged or wrecked more than it was worth. An Affidavit of Restoration for a Salvage Motor Vehicle form must be personally examined by an Indiana police officer certifying that they have personally examined the vehicle, major component parts and ownership documents.

Sheriff Martinez said Vasquez was assigned to the patrol division and didn’t have authority or permission to conduct any vehicle identification number (VIN) inspections.

Officer Vasquez is charged with bribery, official misconduct, theft and perjury incidents which occurred between September 25, 2017 and November 24, 2018.

Officer Vasquez turned himself in to the Lake County Jail Tuesday.

Following the arrest, Sheriff Martinez said, “I fully support the work being done every day by our county police officers and the members of our local law enforcement community. If an officer crosses the line, fails to abide by the law and their oath to protect and serve, they must be held accountable – as nobody, including police officers, are above the law.”

Story Posted:03/27/2019


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