GCSC chooses ticketless for athletic events

Contributed By:The 411 News

Golf returns to West Side, new coach is recruiting team members

In an effort to further adhere to COVID-19 safety guidelines, sporting events hosted by the Gary Community School Corporation are now completely digital. Electronic forms of payment are now accepted to avoid handling of paper tickets or currency.

“Not only are we conducting ourselves in a safer manner, but we can better predict and control the number of attendees through e-ticketing,” said Robert Lee, Athletic Director for the Gary Schools.

Lee also noted that many other school districts are opting to adapt the same protocol. Electronic payment also assists with record keeping and more accurate accounting of funds received.

"For those who are uncertain about using the technology, we have staff on-hand to assist," said Lee. "We recognize that everyone has not converted to the practice of online payments."

The Gary Community School Corporation lists all of the upcoming games on its website, e-newsletter and all social media platforms. Tickets can be purchased through the website where the direct link and QR codes are available.

In addition, ticket purchases must be shown in the original form. Screenshots or forwarded messages will not be accepted at the door.

In other sports news, West Side Leadership Academy (WSLA) has begun recruitment for its golf team. "Our program is committed to offering diverse athletics opportunities where student athletes can excel and hopefully secure scholarships," said Lee. "Golf is coming back to West Side and we know there is interest in this sport."

Students who want to sign up for the golf team are invited to attend a meeting of interest on Tuesday, January 25th in the WSLA library immediately after school.

The newly hired coach is Tyree Davis.

For more ticketless information visit: garycsc.k12.in.us/athletics.

Story Posted:01/22/2022

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