West Side Leadership Academy students build a community garden thanks to a partnership with GEAR-UP

Volunteers and community partners embrace 'Cougar' pride

Contributed By:The 411 News

Gary school district welcomes efforts that support all of its programs

"You can feel a sense of ‘cougar’ pride this year," said Dr. Paige McNulty, Manager of the Gary Community School Corporaton. "Local organizations, churches, teachers, staff, administration, students and community stakeholders are working together to make this school year impactful and phenomenal."

The district recently transitioned to a unified Cougar mascot to represent all of the schools from Pre-K to 12th grade. "The Gary Way," detailed on the district's website, invites the entire school community, from students to parents/guardians, to every Gary constituent, to take an active role in the Gary schools while embracing the idea of oneness.

Through the continuous push of community partners, a number of organizations are already in the schools providing resources and programs at each grade level.

Organizations like Gear-Up have gone beyond their academic support by establishing a gardening club at West Side Leadership Academy. The new special touches to the courtyard as well as an expansion to vegetable and flowerbeds on the west end of the campus are the types of contributions made by students and community partners.

Programs under the WDS, Inc. umbrella assists students with fulfilling their graduation requirements and supports scholars in need of additional accommodations outside the traditional classroom setting.

A new parent-led Booster club is in the making to support GCSC athletic teams.

"The list of community partners goes on and on as more organizations and businesses are engaging with the district," added McNulty.

Those interested in volunteering are encouraged to contact GCSC Human Resources for the procedures and process for a background check. For more information, visit garyschools.org.

Parents and staff volunteering to feed hungry athletes after practice

Story Posted:08/30/2022

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