Cabinet officers Cloteal Labroi and Sean O’Donnell

10 cabinet level offices will help mayor-elect Prince "Re-Imagine Gary"

Contributed By:The 411 News

Vision to restructure city hall into a high-quality public sector organization

With about 7 days until Gary municipal officials swearing-in ceremony on December 30, Mayor-elect Jerome Prince introduced his 10 new cabinet members at a press conference earlier this week.

Branded as "Re-Imagine Gary," Prince said the mayoral cabinet is his vision for restructuring city hall into a high-quality public sector organization for citizens and businesses. "We will immediately eliminate all policies and practices that contribute to the culture of delay, inaction, and tolerance for dysfunction."

Arlene Colvin, recently appointed as the incoming mayor's chief of staff and a long-time city employee who served as chief of staff in previous mayoral administrations said the reorganization of city government is needed. "This is visionary ... re-imagining city government to allow the use of resources across departments."

The former Parks Department will become part of the Venues, Parks & Recreation Division. Colvin said the division will bring economies of scale with the Genesis Center, Marquette Park, the baseball stadium and fitness center under one umbrella and sharing resources.

The 10 cabinet members are:

Cloteal LaBroi - Interim Executive Director of Venues, Parks & Recreation - was Director of Public Works in the Freeman-Wilson Administration.

Sean O'Donnell - Interim Fire Chief - served as an engineer and now, lieutenant in the Gary Fire Department. He is the current president of the Gary Professional Firefighters Union, Local 359.

Lloyd Keith - Executive Director of Innovation & Technology - served as Chief Technology Officer in the Freeman-Wilson Administration

Richard Ligon - Chief of the Gary Police Department

Millie Glen - Executive Director of Code Enforcement

Marianetta Barber - Executive Director of Public Works - served as Director of Human Resources in the Freeman-Wilson Administration

Angelia Hayes - Executive Director of Finance and Procurement - was City Controller in the Freeman-Wilson Administration

Eric Reaves - Executive Director of Community Investment - served as Vice President of the Gary Redevelopment Commission in the Freeman-Wilson Administration

Ken Willis - Consolidated Building Department

Trent McCain - Corporation Counsel – heads McCain Law Offices

Arlene Colvin served as Director of Community Development in the Freeman-Wilson Administration.

Lloyd Keith, Richard Ligon, Millie Glenn, Marianetta Barber, and Angelia Hayes

Eric Reaves, Ken Willis, Trent McCain, and Arlene Colvin

Story Posted:12/27/2019

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